Third round of consultation on the sustainable transport corridors for Cork

The third round of public consultation on the preferred route options for eleven sustainable transport corridors as part of the BusConnects Cork programme took place from the 6th of November 2023 until 18 December 2023.  The NTA will finalise the Preferred Route Options for all eleven corridors taking into account all submissions received during the 3rd round of public consultation. The scheme designs will be further developed and statutory consent applications to An Bord Pleanála will be prepared, inclusive of transport and environmental impact assessments. At this stage, as part of the formal planning application to ABP, there will be a statutory public consultation process also.

BusConnects Cork is a €600m programme of work that aims to transform the city’s bus system, making public transport more accessible to more people. By delivering approximately 91kms of new bus lanes and bus priority and 98km of cycle facilities (one direction) delivering 49km of the cycle network, BusConnects Cork will make travel by bus, as well as active travel, a more attractive option while also reducing carbon emissions and congestion.

To view the documents from the third round of public consultation for Cork click on the links below.

Cork STC PC3 Map

Document Library 3rd Round of Consultation

3D Visualisations of Bus Connect STCs

To view the visualisations of the Cork STCs click on the following link, Cork 3D Visualisations.

If you would like to view the documents and information from the second and first rounds of Public Consultation for the STCs click on the links below, the background documents are also available to view.