The second round of public consultation on the STC’s ran from the 30th of March until the 25th May 2023. Approximately 4,400 submissions were made by the public and the NTA undertook approximately 30 meetings with residents, business and special interest groups over the summer of 2023. This round of public consultation centred on the Preferred Route Options which were identified. These preferred route options brochures are available to view and download below.
The first round of public consultation on the Emerging Preferred Routes took place between June and October 2022. Following the first round of public consultation, the NTA reviewed the almost 3,000 submissions made by the public and engaged constructively with 35 residents’, business and special interest groups across the city. Community Forums were also established for each corridor to enable a two-way dialogue with local communities to help inform the review process.
Preferred Route Options Brochures
3D Visualization Videos
To help you better understand how the Cork STC proposals might look, if implemented, we have produced a 3D video for each of the proposed STCs. The videos can be viewed at this link.